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College and Career Center

Welcome to Kimball High's College and Career Center!


Marisol Parker, Career Technician

Marisol Parker


Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

(Closed for Lunch 1:30-2:00)


career center news and scholarships remind app info

Students and parents are encouraged to join the Career Center News and Scholarships Remind App for the student's grade level. Informational notices are sent as info is received. Learn about college presentations, financial aid, scholarships, job announcements, college application workshops, financial aid workshops, community service opportunities, and more! 
Click on the link below for your class:

class of 2024-seniors-grade 12

Class of 2024 Remind App Instructions

class of 2025-juniors-grade 11

Class of 2025 Remind App Instructions

class of 2026-sophomores-grade 10

Class of 2026 Remind App Instructions

Class of 2027-freshman-grade 9

Class of 2027 Remind App Instructions



                                                                                 Senior Night of Excellence -May 20th at 5:00PM in the Geri Neylan Theatre 

                                                                  Sat, April 27th - Tracy Earth Day Event Downtown Tracy-Come and support your community 


Click on the links below to learn more about current scholarships available.

  • Scholarship opportunities are listed below and in order by application deadline. Be sure to read all instructions for each scholarship and make sure you qualify before you submit. If you need a letter of recommendation, it is advised you request at least 2 weeks in advance. Most applications are submitted online. Others may require to be mailed, so be sure you allow for mailing deadlines when applying. Scholarships are updated as received. This is a fraction of scholarships available to students. It is highly recommended you visit the Helpful Scholarship Information section posted below for additional scholarship opportunities.



PLEASE NOTE: Local Scholarships become available in Spring Semester of Senior Year and will be posted here as received. For National scholarships, please create a profile at one of the sites listed above. National scholarship opportunities are posted here as received and through the national websites listed above.

  • Sign up for the Career Center News and Scholarships Remind App for all updated scholarship opportunities-see Class information tabs for instructions


Scholarship/ Financial Aid Info


Community Service


Employment info & Opportunities